traducir('Haz clic en la imagen para ampliarla');

	Error in file: /var/www/vhosts/nuevaescueladejoysa.com/httpdocs/core/controllers/BaseDatos.php
		In line: 183
		PDOStatement::execute(): send of 193 bytes failed with errno=32 Broken pipe


traducir('Producto agotado');

6,75 €

traducir('Autor'); Laird, Elizabeth
traducir('Editorial'); LONGMAN
traducir('Encuadernación');: Rústica
traducir('Páginas');: 1
traducir('Tamaño');: 24cm X 29cm
traducir('Edad recomendada'); a partir de 0 años

Karen?s job takes her to many places. She loves art, and in Rome she sees some beautiful pictures. But the artist can?t sell them and he has no money. Karen likes the young man. Can she sell his pictures for him?

traducir('Información Extra');
Karen?s job takes her to many places. She loves art, and in Rome she sees some beautiful pictures. But the artist can?t sell them and he has no money. Karen likes the young man. Can she sell his pictures for him?

traducir('Productos Relacionados');: